To get a lot of really useful skills you have to level up various guilds and other factions. Say, you can’t play the full game without reaching level 50 and farming some Champion Points. Players really need most of them maxed out, too, to be able to enjoy the gameplay instead of dull grinding. Most notably, the Dawnguard assisted in the prevention of the Tyranny of the Sun, a prophecy that would eternally block out the sun and launch a reign of Vampires. Elder Scrolls Online features many different activities, each with their own unique rewards. Moreover, its leader will hold the silver-and-gold Guardian's Claymore. Players would likely recognize the Dawnguard for their leather-clad members, as well as their prominent usage of silvered weapons.

However, despite their banishment, the Jarl's guards established the Dawnguard and continued their vampire-hunting throughout Tamriel. Unfortunately, the Jarl banished his guards after having to kill his son. The Jarl of Riften built Dawnguard originally as a place to imprison his son, who contracted Vampirism. Interestingly, the Dawnguard found their specialization early on. Players of Skyrim will remember Fort Dawnguard in the Velothi Mountains and its occupants, the vampire hunters. As long as hostile Vampires exist in Tamriel, the Dawnguard will hunt them down.